Our Service

High Site Rentals (Pty) Ltd is a company that:

1. Identifies, develops and

2. Manages existing and new sites suitable for the raising of a communication mast according to current legislation and individual preference.

We monitor the security of the site which includes the following:

  • Access control including the prevention of unauthorised access and trespassing on site
  • Prevention of the use of unlicensed equipment
  • Prevention of unauthorised and / or unlawful installation

We ensure that all technicians working on site are qualified and installations on masts are performed by staff members that have obtained the necessary rigger certificate.
Access to the installation of new equipment is supervised by High Site Rentals (Pty) Ltd to ensure the standard of such installation and equipment utilised.
Access to the site for the installation of and normal maintenance to the equipment is supervised and managed by High Site Rentals (Pty) Ltd and will be limited to normal office hours, or by prior arrangement in case of emergency.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Marnus Lowe (083) 274-1412
Dave Grobler (072) 397-8368